This is what I wrote 4 years ago. Looking at it one begs the question: “What has changed?”
I am trying to remain positive for 2014, but when one opens the Cape Times on the 2nd January and reads about people being shot, harmed, abused , exposed to hooligans on a train and more it is difficult to remain positive.

Looking at our rand trading at R17.46 to the pound makes one want to weep!
So with violent crimes and corruption the two biggest factors that influence the rand value in my opinion I have to admit that I have succumbed to being negative.
 Something has to change!!!! We need to change! Our country is paying the price 
I have recently returned from being abroad and met up with numerous people from all walks of life, who on hearing that we were from Cape Town went onto say, “We love your country, but we won’t be back!”  Reasons given were mainly that nearly all of the people we spoke to had some incident while holidaying in South Africa, from being robbed, held up at gun-point or let down by some tour company not delivering what was indicated. How do you turn that around other than apologize and try to convince them that it is not like that and these could be isolated incidents. 
Well in October 2018 I don’t know how to convince people that things have improved.
The petrol price increase yesterday, 2 October is devastating, as it will have a ripple effect which will then exacerbate the level of crime.
We need real leaders to stand up and be counted.
We need prayer from all faiths and we need to smarten up as South Africans.
Do it for South Africa! Please!!!!

About lynettepullen

Retired School Teacher. Tutor at a private school for girls in Cape Town. Love my family. Blessed to have a wonderful husband and two amazing sons. Love the Kruger Park. Love to travel.
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